No single quit smoking method is right for everyone. Learn more about quit smoking methods to decide which ones might be right for you.

Some quit smoking methods have been shown to be more effective than others (★─★★★★). Some quit smoking methods are free, while others have a small or even large cost ($─$$$$). Some quit smoking methods have side effects. Always read and follow the instructions on packages carefully.
Includes pamphlets, booklets, manuals, videos, audio
Many guides and other materials are available but vary in quality
Many online quitting programs are available but vary in quality
You can start counseling to help you get ready to quit, then continue counseling to help you stay quit
Ask your doctor about smoking cessation support groups or counselors you can meet with face-to-face, or contact your local clinic, hospital, or health department
You may need to schedule an appointment
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to speak to a counselor for information and advice on preparing to quit or trying to stay quit
Chat with a quit smoking counselor at LiveHelp ( Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern time. Also in Spanish
Call 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848) 24/7 for information and tips on quitting smoking
Combining counseling with medication is more effective than either counseling or medication by itself
Placed on the skin to supply a small controlled amount of nicotine to the body
Helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Available over the counter; can be used the day you buy them
For most people, no need to talk to a health care provider before using
Chewed to release nicotine that gets absorbed through tissue inside the mouth
Helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Available over the counter; can be used the day you buy it
For most people, no need to talk to a health care provider before using
Looks like hard candy; placed in the mouth where it slowly dissolves, releasing nicotine
Helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Available over the counter; can be used the day you buy them
For most people, no need to talk to a health care provider before using
Cartridge attached to a mouthpiece that delivers a specific amount of nicotine to the user with each puff
Helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Available only from your doctor
You’ll need to schedule an appointment to get a prescription before you can use it to quit smoking
Pump bottle inserted into the nose and sprayed to deliver a specific amount of nicotine to the user with each spray
Helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Available only from your doctor
You’ll need to schedule an appointment to get a prescription before you can use it to quit smoking
Prescription medication (pills) that helps reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges to smoke
Contains no nicotine; can be used safely with nicotine replacement products
Available only from your doctor
You’ll need to schedule an appointment to get a prescription
You’ll need to let the medication build up in your system before you can use it as a quit smoking method
Prescription medication (pills) that eases nicotine withdrawal symptoms and blocks effects of nicotine from cigarettes if the user starts smoking again
Contains no nicotine
Available only from your doctor
You’ll need to schedule an appointment to get a prescription
You’ll need to let the medication build up in your system before you can use it as a quit smoking method
Combining certain medications can be more effective than either medication by itself
Nicotine patch may be combined with other nicotine replacement products (gum, nasal spray, inhaler) or with Bupropion SR pills
Some medications are available over the counter, while others are available only from your doctor
★★★★ Combine in-person or telephone counseling with medication to increase your chances of successfully quitting
★★★ When used as directed, can more than double your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ When used as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ Can double your chances of staying quit; the more you do, the better your chances
★★ When used together as directed, can increase your chances of quitting successfully
★★ Can double your chances of staying quit; the more sessions you complete, the better your chances
★ Good if you are motivated and confident about quitting
★ Good if you are motivated and confident about quitting
Free No cost for calling these help lines
Free Explore all the information, tools, and resources available at
Free to $ Available from your doctor, other health care provider, health department, or online
Free to $$ May be free or cost reduced by insurance or clinics
1-800-QUIT-NOW may offer free or low-cost nicotine patches to eligible adults in certain states
Free to $$ May be free or cost reduced by insurance or clinics
1-800-QUIT-NOW may offer free or low-cost nicotine gum to eligible adults in certain states
Free to $$ May be free or cost reduced by insurance or clinics
1-800-QUIT-NOW may offer free or low-cost nicotine lozenges to eligible adults in certain states
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced by insurance or clinics
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced through insurance or clinics
1-800-QUIT-NOW may offer free or low-cost Bupropion SR to eligible adults in certain states
Free to $$$ May be free (telephone quitline) or cost reduced through insurance or Medicare
Cost and availability (over-the-counter or prescription medications) will depend on the combination of methods you choose
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced or covered by insurance or Medicare
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced through insurance or clinics
1-800-QUIT-NOW may offer free or low-cost medications to eligible adults in certain states
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced through insurance or clinics
Free to $$$ May be free or cost reduced through insurance or clinics
Side Effects: None
Side Effects: None
Side Effects: None
Side Effects: None
Side Effects: May include dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, redness, or swelling at the patch site
Use as directed to avoid many of these side effects
Side Effects: May include bad taste in the mouth, tingling feeling on tongue when chewing gum, hiccups, upset stomach, nausea, heartburn, jaw pain caused by chewing
Use as directed to avoid many of these side effects
Side Effects: May include soreness in teeth or gums, indigestion, irritated throat
Side Effects: May include irritated throat, irritated mouth, coughing
Side Effects: May include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes
Side Effects: Combining certain medications may increase the chance of side effects
Side Effects: None from in-person or telephone counseling
Side effects from quit smoking medications depend on the type you choose
Side Effects: May include nausea, change in dreaming, constipation, gas, vomiting
Some people have had mood swings, depression, and suicidal thoughts, but these side effects are very rare
Stop this medication and tell your doctor right away if you have serious changes in your mood
Your doctor will monitor you carefully
Side Effects: May include dry mouth and difficulty sleeping